Weed Wipers
Cost Effective Weed Control With No Drift

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Our History
Forty years ago, grass seed growers Willard Smucker and Walter Kropf, from the Willamette Valley, decided that they wanted to develop a drift-free alternative for weed control. At the time, before GMO's, our unique to the industry sponge weed wiper design took off! Years later we remain extremely relevant in an agricultural industry that needs alternative methods for eliminating resistant weeds. We like to say that Willard and Walter were ahead of their time, because our weed wipers are perfect for organic farmers and for the resistant weed problem many are facing. Our drift-free sponge weed wiper design has been modified and developed over the years, but the original mission and foundation that Willard and Walter developed has not changed. We continue to build quality weed control products for farmers across the world, and we are grateful for the legacy Willard and Walter left behind.

Eliminate Resistant Weeds
40 Years Of Quality
More Videos for Specific Applications
Wiping Johnson Grass out of Pastures and Hay Fields Videos
Wiping Resistant Weed out of Soybeans Videos
Wiping Rye out of Wheat Videos
Wiping Pig Weed out of Cotton Video
This video shows a variety of applications
Click below for the YouTube channel with
all the Wipe Like a Pro Episodes

The Problem
With the rise of resistant weeds in GMO and conventional crops, the agricultural industry is facing a major problem. Weed wiping is a great drift free solution that directly attacks taller growing weeds without damaging your crop.

Source: Heap, I. The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds. Online. Internet. October 10, 2016. Available www.weedscience.com:

The Solution
When it comes to weed wiping, Smucker Sponge Weed Wipers are far superior to other weed wipers on the market. The key to weed wiping is getting enough material on the weeds. Our pump fed sponges hold and apply more material to the undesired weeds. Best of all, our weed wipers are affordable and come in multiple mounting options.

Walt Brownsberger,
Farmer in Overland Park, KS
"Your sponges worked as promised using Gramoxone (50%). Your videos were on the money & very useful in the application process."

Jason Clavin,
Farmer near El Paso, IL
"At first I was a little Leary, but the sponges work. At first, I used it in my soy beans...until I realized that it's great for pastures and other applications. I had a very great experience with Smucker Manufacturing.

Tom Smedra,
Farmer in Mason City, NE
After 24 hours of running 50% gramoxone in your weed wipers, my resistant weeds were taken care of. Thanks for a great product.

Dealer Highlight
Check out this blog post from one of our amazing dealers. Thank you Barndoor Ag for sharing!