Why Choose LandMark?
Join over 40,000 Applicators & Farmers that Rely on Our Product

Superior Foam
It has been field proven that Smucker Manufacturing’s original concept of producing foam at the end of the boom, in mixing chambers, produces longer lasting foam. Other foam markers in the industry produce foam at a high pressure and pump that foam to the end of the boom creating large bubbles and unstable foam that breaks down faster in the field. Our systems pump air and solution to the end of the boom, out separate lines, and mix at a low pressure creating smaller bubbles, thicker, and dryer foam (shaving cream consistency). Even in adverse weather conditions, minimal pressure drops result in superior foam you can count on.

High Volume & Efficiency
High output is essential with today’s high speed sprayers. Our new high flow solenoids, combined with moving liquid and air versus pumping foam at a high pressure, allow our markers to have 5.6 to 9.3 GPM of foam output (depending upon the style of unit you choose). Foam output is fully adjustable and custom applicators report covering up to twice the acreage per tank of solution compared to bubble tank foamers. Immediate response to left/right switching is also possible with boom-mounted chambers.
Experience Matters
We have over 30 years of Experience!

Quality Components


Designed & Tested By Farmers